strawberry flavour small portion shots plus cereal bars

Strawberry flavour small portion shots + 12 mixed flavour cereal bars


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Product Description

Cereal Bars

Containing 1g of konjac (glucomannan), which has an EFSA health claim, Slim-Be cereal bars can help you eat less, lose and maintain your weight. They also make a great alternative to the Slim-Be Shots.

A typical cereal bar can contain up to 22g of sugar per bar. That can’t be good for you can it?  Slim-Be cereal bars are a healthy alternative with less than 1.5g of sugar and fewer than 115 calories per 35g bar; 1% fat (and sat fat); 2% sugar, 1% salt. They are also high in fibre.

Our recipe is simple. We use oats, wheat and barley, with a tiny amount of sweetener and our own flavour formulation to give you a delicious tasting cereal bar.

You can enjoy it whether you are on a diet or not and best of all it isn’t full of sugar.

Right now, they are the only cereal bars that are all green in the ‘traffic lights’ nutritional guide.

“Small Portion” Shot

Slim-Be Shots that helps you take control of your weight – easily!

Slim-Be contains soya, which is a good source of protein and three sachets of Slim-Be provide almost a quarter of your recommended daily allowance of protein.

Slim-Be comes in a convenient and discreet handbag-sized sachet that you just mix with water or milk (ideally, skimmed). And you also don’t need to be on a diet to enjoy Slim-Be.

Slim-Be can help you eat less at meal times, cut out snacking, and over time, stop your weight from yo-yoing. So it’s the ideal way to shed the pounds and keep them off.